Saturday 25 February 2006
2 photos
Delphininae (dolphins) sp.
What kind of living beings are there, where do these beings live, how are the living beings related to one another?
Saturday 25 February 2006
2 photos
Delphininae (dolphins) sp.
from Tuesday 17 to Sunday 29 July 2007
55 photos
Delphinus delphis (common dolphin)
from Monday 23 to Tuesday 24 July 2007
18 photos
Tursiops truncatus (common bottlenose dolphin)
Friday 14 November 2014
38 photos
Tursiops aduncus (Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin)
from Monday 23 to Tuesday 24 July 2007
103 photos
Globicephala melas (long-finned pilot whale)
from Friday 21 to Saturday 22 June 2019
6 photos
Phocoena phocoena (harbour porpoise)